
Coronavirus , Sars-Cov-2 or Covid-19 --- Attempting To Build A Natural Nutrition Bar Designed to Retard or Destroy Covid-19,  An Antiviral Diet , Technical Version       

Technical Virus Info       Inflammation Info       Lectin Info       Nutrient bar Info      

Written by G. Fortuanto

Start Date 5/4/2020 ----- Updated on 6/1/2020

Special thanks for contributions made by the following:

1) Mayor of Campodimele Italy,  Roberto Zennella for his discussion of the legume diet in his community  

2) Jeff Mather, Data Manager,  at Hartford Hospital who ran part of my suggested query in this paper 

3) Jonathan Walker who has given me some Covid-19 mortality data to be incorporated in the future 

Virus info


  At this point in time, a true vaccine cure for Coronavirus or Sars-Cov-2  which has been renamed Covid-19 is still futuristic . It is suppose to take  about another year or more to complete testing for  a curative vaccine.  Therefore, we need to work now,  with the  ammunitions we have available.  I think herbals and supplements may help bridge the gap until a vaccine is ready.  There are multiple antiviral treatments being used currently like Covid-19 convalescent plasma,  hydroxychloroquine (HC)  , Remdesivir as well as other compound still in testing phase. Some of these drugs are currently being used on patients exhibiting more serious symptoms. In addition, each of these drugs may be helpful but none offer a cure-all for the viral infected. Remdesivir is the most recently highly taughted drug. However, it is basically not as effective in patients who have reached viral overload and enter the cytokine storm. Therefore, in my opinion,  we need to increase the size of our drug tool chest. The tool I am suggesting is herbals or supplements folded into a daily nutrition bar. It is my intention that this bar  can offer resistance to viruses before the onset of disease.  This could possibly grant a viral recipient a less severe disease course or an  outcome of a complete pardon. 

 Though out the ages, when there was no drug stores, herbs and supplements  were our primary medical remedies. It is now  important that we find exactly what value these products offered us. There  has been some clinical testing on herbs  and supplements and this is my starting point.  More exploration is necessary to find the value of these aids. More specifically how they function against Covid-19. To these ends , we need to find  some proof of purpose for herbs and supplements. We should conduct  clinical trials of   non infected volunteers with an end point of curbing viral contraction or lowering the severity of the illness by lowering the viral load when the disease is contracted.

Before we start lets take a look at the enemy below. The following illustration basically  describes the infamous Covid-19 virus.

[1] Graphic explanation : Covid-19  is a positive-stranded RNA virus, which contains four important  proteins) glycoprotein, envelope protein, membrane protein, and nucleocapsid protein. The spike glycoprotein interacts with lung cells surface proteins which allows entry of the virus into the human respiratory epithelial cells by interacting with cell surface receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 also called the ACE2 receptor. The spike glycoprotein has two regions, S1 and S2.  S1 is for initial host cell  ACE2 receptor binding and S2 is for membrane fusion which takes place after TMPRSS2 priming . Spike glycoproteins is one of the key target areas for future vaccines.

Virus Cell Entry

The Covid-19 virus targets lung respiratory cells. The virus penetrates and enters the cell using its crown spikes and attaches to the ACE2 receptors. ACE2 receptors are, tiny proteins on top of the lung cells which allow the virus spike S1 glycoprotein to attach to them.  Another protein called TMPRSS2  which is  a serine protease protein  locks on to the S1/S2 proteins with purposeful cleavage. This helps the cell to wrap around the virus so that the virus can be enveloped and then brought into the cell. At this point viral RNA is ejected from the virus into the cell. Once the RNA is in the cell the cell ribosomes can manufacture many more copies of this virus RNA and other virus proteins  needed to build more virus particles.  These  particles are assembled within the host cell to create new virus particles. Finally the new virus is moved out of the cell to attack more lung tissue cells.    

Virus Prognostics

Based on patient age, sex and other complicating factors the virus can cause varied outcomes. These could range from no symptoms at all to death.  The highest instances of death are associated with age greater than 65 , male sex and  comorbidities such as cancer, hypertension , diabetes mellitus, obesity,  chronic lung disease and  cardiac disease. 

Disease course

The viral infection can cause coughing , fever,  pneumonia and, dyspena. Mild symptoms can be  treated at home. However when breathing becomes labored and temperature increases the patient should go to the hospital. Here labored breathing  will require intubation and attachment to a ventilator.  Once on a ventilator, the chances of mortality increases significantly especially when age and comorbidities increase the risk as well.

Two high risk factors needing more assessment


The first risk factor  is the cytokine storm. This is caused  by the immune systems overwhelming response the the viral load.  Covid-19 virus can reproduce very quickly in infected cells. The troubled cells start a process called apoptosis which kills the infected cells trying to stop the virus from spreading. During the apoptosis  process, the cell  produces specific cytokines which allow the cell to die. When this happens in the lungs avoli air sac cells leak and fill with fluid. This causes pneumonia. Pneumonia causes labored breathing and low blood oxygen. This process is called Cytokine Storm or hypercytokinemia. Max Konig, MD, a rheumatologist at Johns Hopkins University said  "Most people who get infected with Epstein-Barr or influenza, they don’t mount this response. Konig thinks it may be possible to head off the storm altogether by blocking some of the chemicals that can trigger its release, which are called catecholamines.[ ] Konig also found  medications that block the release of catecholamines such as certain blood pressure drug were less likely to be placed on a ventilator.[ 2] Blocking catecholamines can help stop the inflammatory cytokine storm.

2)ACE(Angiotension-Converting Enzymes) INHIBITORS   

Many patients with  hypertension or diabetes mellitus  usually have their blood pressure controlled with cardiac medications called Ace inhibitors and Arbs. Currently there is some belief that the Ace inhibitor medications  allows for the generation of more ACE2 receptor sites on the cells. [3]  Increasing ACE2 receptor sites can be detrimental. As more ACE2 receptors will allow  more  viruses to attach to the cells under attack by the Covid-19.   

Although  cardiac oversight groups believe that using these cardiac drugs out ways the Covid-19 risk, I think some more research  is needed here. [4]  Some current articles I have read suggest there is not enough data. One very recent study suggests Ace inhibitors do not exacerbate Covid-19 symptom but also suggest study was small and said more research is needed. [5] 

So I have generated a query to help ascertain the relationship between Ace inhibitors and mortality. The following criteria model below can be used to query any ICD10 coding hospital databases with a Covid-19 patient populations. It could help to build a association between Covid-19 death and Ace inhibitors.   Hospitals, especially with high volumes  of viral patients, should  query Covid-19 positive patients greater than 64 years of age with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus.   These  patients should then be divided as those "taking" or "not taking" an Ace inhibitor medication. . See more specific query information below: If you decide to run this query in your hospital you must contact your QM or IRB to make sure you have permission. I also suggest you contact your medical records department as there may be slight variations in coding from hospital to hospital.


Inpatients discharged with disposition like where  D* equals died and like A* equals alive. (*) means any D or A combination.
ICD10 coding method before March 25 2020
B97.29 Covid-19 virus

After 24 March 2020
New ICD-10 codes for Covid-19
U07.1 Covid-19 virus
I10 - Essential (primary) hypertension

Only use diabetes mellitus if looking for a more robust N
E11* - All Type II diabetes (* mean this covers all of the E11 codes)


Patient's admission drugs include
Ace2 inhibitors (usually have generic drug names ending in "pril")  

benazepril (Lotensin, Lotensin Hct)
captopril (Capoten)
enalapril (Vasotec)
fosinopril (Monopril)
lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)
moexipril (Univasc)
perindopril (Aceon)
quinapril (Accupril)


After these queries are completed the data should be inserted into a  2 X 2 chi square test.


Died or Lived

Taking Ace Inhibitor

Not Taking Ace Inhibitor

Marginal Row Totals

Hospital IP admits who discharged as dead with Covid-19, age >=65 having hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus





Hospital IP Admits who discharged as alive with Covid-19, age >=65 having hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus  




Marginal Column Totals



200    (Grand Total)

Null hypothesis: Assumes that there is no association between dead or alive patients on or not on meds.

The chi-square statistic is 3.9216. The p-value is .04767. Significant at p < .05.

The null hypothesis is rejected when the is chi-square is significant.  This means that the likely hood  is high that there  is a connection between discharge disposition and use or non-use of medications.  At this point more examination of these patients records is required.

Jeff Mather from Hartford Hospital was in the processed of setting up his Covid-19 database. He ran a quick query of patients who lived or died  "taking" or "not taking" an Ace inhibitor drug. He did not use age , hypertension, or diabetes. The result of this query was not statistically significant. However I am hopeful he will get the time to run the whole query shortly. 


Two important research projects


 The gut micro biome works best when the gut flora is very supportive of the bodies immune system. Diets which include fermented foods really bolster the immune system.. These foods can  include fermented milk products or vegetables  like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh kimichi miso, kombucha, pickles and rice bran. The bacteria or yeast associated with  the fermentation process act as beneficial probiotics in the intestines.  The following article suggests that supportive gut probiotic bacteria and yeasts are important for handling the bodies inflammatory response. [6] These defenders could possibly offer innate immunity primary protection against the Covid-19 cytokine storm.

 I think it would be advantageous to study  the Covid-19 population which gets infected and has little or no symptoms verse the severely infected Covid-19 population.  Their specific combination of gut metrics including flora could be measured?   This  comparison may help to decide which  probiotics may play a  role in viral disease suppression or progression.   Viome is a company which can test stool samples for flora and other gut metrics. If gut testing defines a marked difference between the two population this could make the case for a tailored dietary gut supplementation.[7] According to Viome "Through artificial intelligence, we are able to discover what foods and supplements are ideal for you and your gut microbiome – so you can experience optimal health." Please note I have no financial interest or connection to Viome.


 Artificial intelligence (AI) should be used to query the World Wide Web finding all natural foods, herbs, supplements, and existing medications, promising chemical combinations which all could be use to disable  the Covid-19 virus. These viral aids should be categorized to define 1)  most likely to stabilize the immune system againt Covid-19,  2) able to destroy the Covid-19 virus glycoprotein spikes and 3) attack Covid-19 viral replication mechanisms or proteins in the cells. The data should be statistically prioritize as to the likely hood of it success and highlight options which especially would not need extensive red tape FDA approvals.  Priority should also  be given to finding all trials  which where randomized and double blinded clinical studies already have shown some success. The trials dealing with animal studies should be clearly be demarked to justify the human connection.

Viral plaque assays determine the number of plaque forming units (pfu) in a virus sample Petri dish.   A viral plaque  forms when a virus infects a cell. The lower the number of plaques the less cells infected means the virus does not thrive. High potential remedies such as herbs , supplements , drugs or other compounds need to be tested. Any specific compounds that are found should be tested by  viral plaque assay.  Those that are antiviral to Covid-19 should be noted.  Additionally any product found which might have the ability to kill cells in  plaque assay should be tested.


Inflammation info

The Inflammation Primer

There are several cytokines in play during the inflammation process. For our purposes,  I will focus on two of them.   I have chosen  two of these  because the aging  population is associated with low-grade increases in measurable biomarker circulating levels of both TNF-alpha and interleukin-6  (IL-6).  [8]   This means many older Covid-19 patients greater than 65 may already have inflammation and  therefore disadvantaged.  As discussed above in the "cytokine storm" ,  inflammation is caused by increased cytokines levels of  IL-6 and TNF-alpha. During this process, catecholamines release continue to act as  fueling agents to further elevate IL-6 levels.  As viral cell destruction increases catecholamines plasma levels of  dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine IL 6  also increase. [9] 

Normal lab reference values for  catecholamines are dopamine  less than 87 mg,  epinephrine less than 60 mg, and norepinephrine between 120 to 680 mg.  Increased levels of  epinephrine  or norepinephrine causes high blood pressure and excessive sweating.   "The risk of respiratory failure for patients with IL-6 levels of ≥ 80 pg/ml was 22 times higher compared to patients with lower IL-6 levels." [10] Cytokine IL-6  is  linked to the risk of death from Covid-19  disease  [11] Since IL-6 is a measured biomarker of the cytokine storm, our goal here is to find  herbal compounds which down-regulate IL-6 before the virus is contracted which puts patients at the best possible starting point should they test positive.

Below I am listing the Sarsbar ingredients to help down-regulate inflammation receptors before Covid-19 exposure. Most of the items I will list have a good overall safety rating for consumption.. However remember to check with your doctor before using any of these compounds.  The  Covid-19 population greater than 65 years old,  is  associated with low-grade increases in circulating levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 which is usually a by-product of  other disease comorbities. Hypertentsion and diabetes are two major comorbities causing the viral disease severity  increase. Therefore trying to control inflammatory markers before you contract the virus may increase your chances of the best possible outcome. [12]  

Lectin info

The Lectin Primer

.  The Spanish Influenza episode of 1918 thru 1920 spanned the globe and  killed 20 to 50 million people.   So I pondered the fact of 'who did' and 'who did not survive'. This thought  led me to look at population diets and longevity. Since thousands of  U.S. elders die from the compounding effects of the flu each year, I thought that people of longevity must have an innate mechanism to fight off viral complications. Then I found a small town in Italy called Campodimele which had been studied to explain their prolonged life. The assessment seemed to center around diet and specifically the legumes and onions they ate. I  then contacted the  Mayor of Campodimele Italy,  Roberto Zennella. The purpose of this contact was to ask him about the consumption of  legumes  which his small village community is know to enjoy. Evidence to support a the Campodimele community leaning toward a centenarian life style  was documented by Encyclopedia Britannica and found online. The Mayor explained that the main source of protein for his village is the Cicerchie  legume and it has been used  by the town since ancient times. In addition to this specific legume the villagers also consumed  a very special onion called Scalonga. At this point, it is also note worthy that I searched for increased longevity in another  country.  I chose Japan  which is well known for having a population with an increased life span. I also found that Japanese longevity may be attributed to two main food staples soybean and green tea. This led me to this important question : What does Cicerchie, Scalonga, Soybean,  and Green tea all have in common? The answer is that these foods all contain important LECTINS which may act as antivirals.  

As I continued my research it seemed to paint a picture that lectins are natures support system to allow species to survive. This made me realize the importance of  lectins . I now believe a world without lectins could unleash a single virus which could force extinction of most any species. Lectins are natures innate support system to allow species survival through the diversity of diet. Lectins and blood types also play an important role.[33]

According to an herbal NIH article [13]  " Lectins are reported to act by (a) binding to the virions and agglutinating virus particles, thus preventing their penetration to cells; (b) binding to the cell surface thereby blocking virus receptor sites on the cell wall; (c) modifying the cell wall surface, preventing the release of viral replicates; and (d) interfering with the intracellular replication of viruses." In addition Vectorlabs,  a lectin pharmacology distributor , said   "Based on prior studies on coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, mannose-specific plant lectins can be used to investigate antiviral properties of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19". [14]  Another study says "These results suggest that Mannose-Binding Lectin (MBL)  contributes to the first line host defense against SARS-CoV and that MBL deficiency is a susceptibility factor for acquisition of SARS"[15] 

The above studies suggest that MBL  are a good  target for disabling Covid-19. However one must be careful when choosing a lectin vegetable. Certain plant lectins  can be harmful when the normal plant lectin dosage is not reduced.. For example , the Cicerchie (lathyrus sativus) legume has a neurotoxin β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP). Over consumption of ODAP can cause the disease neurolathyrism.  On the other hand, soaking followed by  two hours of cooking will kill a majority of the Cicerchie lectin making the legumes safe for consumption and apparently add long life to parts of Italy. The Campodimele  Cicerchie, Scalonga diet overtime may add a small portion of MBL lectins into the blood stream which in turn  raises MBL  blood values.. This could be important as it is suspected that a deficiency in blood MBL can increase your chances for a Covid-19 viral infection.

Finally,  I have chosen the safer side of  MBL as those which come from eating the following foods such as Lentils , Leeks , Onions and Garlic. Lectins and blood types also play an important role. A lectin suitable to one blood type may not be suitable to another. Even the safer lectins can cause nausea or  stomach upset in some people. So it will be up to you to see if you can tolerate them and ask your doctor if you should take them. Do not substitute any other type of legume for lentils as some lectins can be harmful. Also make sure you sprout or cook them.

Lectin Research Projects Needed


A research project should be undertaken to check epidemiology records during the 1918 thru 1920 Spanish Flu Epidemic. It would be of great interest to find out if pockets of viral absence had any correlation to diet. It would also behoove us to find out what the MBL blood levels are in  a town having centenarian tendencies.  This could possibly  become a biomarker for those who do not consume many lectins. In addtion, more in-vivo and in-vitro studies are need to test the efficacy of lectins. 

 A Novel Mask Experiment for a Novel Virus

We should build a new facial mask for the general population (the non N95 users) which could have lectin doping materials built into the mouth pieces. Doping is the name of a common process used in the semiconductor industry where an impurity is added to a chip to make it perform better.   Currently some mask producers are using copper and silver doping.  I hypothesize  that viral particles that pass though a (MBL) doped mask material and then into the lungs could effect the viability of the virus. It may be possible that the MBL could cause the viral  glycoprotiens to agglutinate and  lose their robust functionality. The  (MBL) in the mask could possibly act as a disabling agent.  As the faltering virus enters the lungs, it could give the body more time to propagate life saving antibodies. This mask should have a primary animal test. Then it should be tested on a larger human populations where social distancing is not a practical option. Remember, this is theoretical hypothesis which needs testing. Do not stuff your own mask with lentils. 

Nutrient bar

The Nutrition Bar

Please be advised I am not  recommending you use my Sars Bar ingredients without the direct approval of your own physician.  You should be aware that many herbals and supplements  can cause allergic responses or have negative effects on your existing medications or your current health issues.

We have finally arrived at the development of the nutrition bar to help defeat Covid-19.  Is the Covid-19 virus vulnerable to herbal and supplemental dietary warfare?  I will  undertake the construction of an edible treat hopefully to retard or destroy the virus.  I will name this  nutrition bar the "Sars Bar". It is not my purpose to sell or manufacture this nutrient bar. It is my intent to get others on board to offer the science we need to make this the most  adroit bar possible for the purpose of a viral impedance. So now that we have a basic understanding of how the Covid-19 virus interacts with a human cell. Let generate some ways to dismantle this threat.  The Sars Bar goal is to  1) stabilize the immune system 2) attack the virus's glycoprotein spikes and  3) decrease viral replication

1) Stablize the immune system and slow inflammation

Vitamin C  or L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin . According to the Mayo Clinic ; "For adults, the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day".  [16] The following study stated "It is believed that IV-Vitamin C has been particularly effective by inhibiting the production of the cytokines storm due to Covid-19" . [17] This helps to make a good case for daily vitamin C dietary support.

Probiotic,  Lactobacillus acidophilus,  is the most commonly used probiotic.   Additionally, taking any of these in your diet, such as  fermented milk products or vegetables  like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh kimichi miso, kombucha, pickles,  are  even more beneficial to maintaining a superior  gut flora which will help decrease inflammation and help reduce gut damage if prolonged antibiotics become necessary during Covid-19 treatment..  There is evidence of the properties identifying lactobacilli aciophilus as an effective probiotic organism. [18]   Lactobacillus acidophilus is an easily accessible supplement and my  choice for a  probiotic source.

Resveratrol  helps down-regulate IL-6,  a pro-inflammatory cytokine. It  is also a compound used by plants to stop bacteria, fungi, and other microbe attackers. [19]  You can find it in red and purple grapes, blueberries, cranberries, mulberries,  peanuts, and pistachios.  I encourge eating any of these but I will use the herbal droplet preparation for my resveratrol additive.

Olive Extract contains  Oleuropein. This is a down-regulator of (TNFα).   TNFα is also a pro inflammatory. [20]    Aging is associated with low-grade increases in circulating levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 which are both pro-inflammatory cytokines. Many  factors, including smoking, obesity, infections, the decline in sex hormones, and the genotype, induce and modify this age-related inflammatory activity which can contribute to age-related pathology.[21

Ginger Is an age old traditional herbal medication. There are many ginger studies which highlight the effect of ginger on inflammation.  A study concluded that ginger may have  anti-inflammatory effects on the airways.[22] In another study fresh, but not dried, ginger was effective against HRSV-induced plaque formation on airway epithelium. It blocked viral attachment and internalization. [23]   Unfortunately this virus has a different attachment mechanism than Covid-19. Finally, Ginger is a IL-6 inhibitor [34

Tumeric/Curcumin Up-regulated IL-6 is a biomarker for the cytokine storm. Tumeric/Curcumin is an effective inhibitor or a down regulator of pro-inflammatory (IL-6)  [24

Omega 3 Oils studies have concluded Omega 3 oils are an important anti-inflammatory. This current clinical trial is underway to test it against Covid-19. [25]  I am suggesting plant based flaxseed for my Sars Bar but one should take fish oil daily as well.

II) Attack the virus glycoprotiens spikes 

Lentils (Lens culinaris)   contain  mannose-binding lectins. (MBL)  In vitro studies show lectins  binding to virus  glycoproteins which  cause agglutination and destruction of virus particles. [14],[15],26] . It may be possible to increase blood MBL  by eating lentils. [33]  Lentils need to be sprouted  or cooked to only capture very small amounts of lectins.  One study suggested sprouting can reduce lectin levels by 95%. I will try to get the lectin amounts at a future date.   It is important to use methods to reduce high lectin levels to only a small daily dose. As of 7/30/2020,  I have tried to get lectin dosage information but have not been successful.  I think  1/2 cup of cooked lentils daily  or sprouted lentils are safest options until I can get the actual lectin values. Remember,  this is still dependent on your own lentil lectin tolerance. Ask your doctor to be safe.

 III)Decrease Viral Replication

ZINC:  In an in-vitro study,  it was found that Zn2+ inhibits Coronavirus RNA poymerase activity. [27]   In a bedside in vivo study,  zinc performed as a viral anti-replicant [28]  

Ginger--Curcumin/Tumeric:  The Covid-19 also replicates by encoding some nonstructural proteins. One of these proteins is called  papain-like protease (PLpro) . A study of ginger and curcumin compounds suggested both acted as  papain like protease Inhibitor . [29] 



Licorice (decreases viral replication)  has a chemical compound  called glycyrrhizin. It is a  sweet compound found in the licorice root. This compound can  cause potassium levels to temporarily drop, which could cause abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, swelling, lethargy,  and even heart failure. This compound is also labeled as a carcinogen by the State of California.

Elderberry(attack glycoprotien spikes) is taughted to bind up the Covid-19 ACE 2 receptor. This process denies viral entry into the cell. [30]  Unfortunately Elderberry has a double edged sword as it binds the Ace2 receptor but it also up-regulates IL-6. 

Rauwolfia serpentina (inflammation control) is an herbal supplement which can be an effective treatment for hypertension by down-regulating catecholamines. [31]    However it can interact with many drugs and has several side effects. 

Cordyceps mushroom (inflammation control) This supplements can reduce high epinephrine and norepinephrine levels.  [32]   Unfortunately , as of 2018 no studies have yet examined the safety of Cordyceps.



The herbals and  supplements I have chosen for the daily Sars Bar

Vitamin C 500 mg

Probiotic Acidophilus .5 mg

Resveratrol 50 mg

Olive Extract 150 mg

Ginger 200 to 550 mg

Tumeric 200 to 400 mg

Omega 3 oils (Flax seed 1 teaspoon) or (Fish Oil )

Zinc 25 mg

Lentils  option (1) COOKED method)   1/2 cup daily

 or Lentils option (2) sprouted method) --  1 tablespoon daily


I have mixed all of the ingredients with enough peanut butter to make sure the flax seed is not dry. It doesn't taste great so you can just take the individual items as well.



I am committed to be as accurate as possible. Please make suggestions,  enhancements, express concerns or any other questions, to my contact E-mail at SarsBar@CovidSarsbar.SpamStopcom  Please be sure to remove the word "SpamStop" from the end of the email address. This helps me to reduce spam in my mailbox.


[1] Graphic explanation








[9] .

























